Friday, June 5, 2020

Education Psychology Punishment, Natural Teacher Student - 3300 Words

Education Psychology Punishment, Natural Teacher Student (Essay Sample) Content: CHUKA UNIVERSITYDEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONUNIT TITLE: EDUCATION PSYCHOLOGYTask: ASSIGNMENT1 (a) Describe 6 ways in which punishment may be used to address.(b) Negative attitudes can results from the natural teacher student. Explain the extent.2 (a) Define the personality(b) Explain 5 factors that determine personality(c) Using appropriate examples differentiate between a well adjusted persons and Mal adjusted person.3 (a) Describe 3 negative home effect to personality.(b) Identify 4 methods of identifying problem behavior in classrooms.INTRODUCTIONAccording to oxford dictionary Punishment is a penalty to punish wrongdoing especially for crime.According to Merriam-Webster punishment is the act of inflicting a penalty on someone as a result of their wrong doing.There are several ways in which punishment may be used to address.If the teacher must punish he should specify and communicate the punishable behavior to the pupils by the means of classroom rule and regulations.T he pupils should involve in the drawing of the rules and these rules must be posted where pupils can see them.The schools should provide pupils with models of acceptable behavior .If the acceptable behavior is good grooming, punctuality, honesty handwork etc then a student who displays any of these characteristics should be called in front of the other student for all to see an example of the desirable behavior that the teacher wishes to reinforce.If the punishment must be delivered .it must be done immediately .This should be done in line with the desired behavior.Pupils should be informed of the alternative behavior that is what they would have done instead of the punished behaviorThe punishment should always be fair.This means that the teacher should not be seen to practice partiality .Those who deserves to be punishment as prescribed.The teacher should try and avoid group punishment at all costs. A lot of gain is made if the teacher is able to isolate a student or two and punish them instead of punishing the whole class. When the teachers uses group punishment, it ceases to be punishment as learners may actually enjoying it.(b) Negative attitudes can results from the natural teacher student. Explain the extent.A teacher student can make pupils to have negative attitudes towards school and also towards the student teacher.Corporal punishment to pupils can make the pupils to hate education hence truancy .Although punishments are allowed pupils should be given severe punishments.Some teachers cause arousement to pupils example sexually especially the male teachers arouse the young girls. Also in some cases female teacher arouse young boys this will make the pupils to hate education and also the teachers .Some pupils will also drop out of schools.Lack of motivation to pupils make them to have a negative attitude .Pupils should be reward if need be example by giving small tokens .Also pupils can be motivated after answering questions properly example teachers to use words like a good try good ,excellent etc.A teacher who has not prepared adequately for the lesson notes or lesson plan may not be able to deliver the content to the pupils hence negative attitudes.A teacher who is not a good role model example a drunkard or a teacher who uses abusive language will make pupils to have a negative attitude towards the teacher and also to learning.2 (a) Personality is defined as individual characteristics and ways of behaving that in their organization accounts for an individual unique adjustment to his total environmentPersonality can also be defined as the combination of characteristics that form an individual distinctive character. According to Merriam-Webster personality is a set of emotional qualities, ways of behaving etc that makes a person different from other people.(b) Explain 5 factors that determine personality.There are two major determinants of personality; This is nature, which refers to the biological make up of the person or th e genes. The second is nurture which refers to all the environment influences on personality.Genetic determinants of personality includes * Genes determine the biochemical balance of the body * Some physical traits like height, body structures and skin pigmentation are inheritedSchool type-schools differ just like homes. Some schools are well endowed with physical and human resources while others could do with a lot more than currently available in both types of resources.This means that a childs personality will be shaped according to what the school has to offer. A childs success in school and in life may be determined by school.Success in extra curriculum activities some children may not show excellent performance in class but when they are in the field they hold their own very well, some run for the school at district or national level. Others are on school teams football, valleyball, rugby etc.These activities influence the amount of peer acceptance the student enjoys .They als o boost the Ego and are good recipes for positive development.Academic success .the degree of academic success that the child achieves affects personality development. If a child is getting good grades in school work he enjoys inner satisfaction which boosts his Ego. This is the child you ask what he wants to become when he grows up and he has a clear vision of it a pilot, lawyer, surgeon etc.The home influences love and acceptance. Home is the first social environment that the social encounters. It provides the child with the earliest social experiences as he interacts with mother, father siblings and other people. A loved child has trust and feeling of security while unloved child suffer rejection.2 (c) Using appropriate examples differentiate between a well adjusted person and maladjusted personAdjustment refers to the process by means of which the individual seeks to maintain physiological psychological equilibrium.Maladjustment is the inability to deal with personal problems du e to deficiency in behavior potential and skills.A pupil will become adjusted or maladjusted depending on the experiences encountered both at home and at school.Children who are exposed to pleasant experiences from early childhood are more likely to develop capacity for adjustment and psychological health while those who are exposed to unpleasant or traumatic experiences are likely to develop tendencies towards maladjustmentA well adjusted person accepts his strengths and weakness and goes about life confidently while a maladjusted person is likely to be an underachiever he/she will withdraw from school or social activities.A well adjusted person displays social sensitivity and conforms to social standards .This person doesnt violate rules while a maladjusted person uses defenses mechanism like excessive aggression and destructiveness he also violate the school rules.A well adjusted pupil has happiness because he likes in harmony with his world and is oriented towards self actualiza tion while a maladjusted has activated a self concept of inferiority and guilt leading to frustration and desperationWell adjusted people have adequate coping skills hence able to satisfy ones needs. Whereas a maladjusted person has no coping skills hence doesnt satisfy ones needs.3(a) Describe 3 negative home effects to personalityThere are negative home influences which damages the developing personality .They include:Favourism-This is where the parents prefer some children openly in their words and actions .They talk about the children they like and those they dislike ,The favored Childs gets new things while the bad ones get old ones .It causes insecurity and inferiorityCheating parents parents may cheat on resources, marital affairs, jobs, other children etc.Parents who cheat use a lot of psychological energy to cover up the things they want to keep hidden, They also must use resources and they institute some unexplained restrictions .They become difficult and complicated and s ometimes fearful.Maladjusted family members, sometimes a family has someone who is maladjusted for example .A known crimin...